Poster Session winners:
Applied Science
Winner: Vadym Gnatkovsky,
"Evaluation of the epileptogenic zone
based on computer assisted network analysis
of electrical stimulations during
intracranial stereo-EEG recordings"
Honorable Mention: Juan Manuel
Lopez, "Identification of pre-ictal states based on an EEG-ECG
multi-feature clustering approach"
Honorable Mention: Nicholas Czarnek,
"An analysis of temporal separability of spectral power features in
the FSPEEG database"
Basic Science
Winner: Catalina Alvarado-Rojas,
"Two different mechanisms contribute to high-frequency oscillations
(200 Hz) in the human epileptic subiculum in vitro"
Honorable Mention: Madineh
Sedigh-Sarvestani, "State of Vigilance Based Seizure Prediction in
the Tetanus Toxin Model of Temporal Lobe Epilepsy"
Honorable Mention: Pascal Benquet,
"Assessment of excitability in neuronal populations based on
selective activation of interneurons"

General information
A core objective of this meeting is to focus the International
Seizure Prediction Group (ISPG) on engineering a better
understanding of underlying physiological mechanisms as they
specifically relate to clinical recordings, and a better insight
into how to OBSERVE these mechanisms and their associated dynamics.
We envision that the talks themselves will be organized into three
general groupings:
• Basic Mechanisms in Epilepsy
• Observation of pre-seizure and seizure initiation mechanism
• Engineering Observation and Intervention Systems for Epilepsy.
We invite all participants to submit abstracts. A number
of contributed abstracts will be chosen for oral presentations at the
conference, although a majority will be selected for poster
presentations. In addition to the formal poster session Wednesday
evening, the posters will be displayed in the conference area
throughout the meeting, and available for informal discussion during
meals and breaks.
Furthermore, we are arranging for a special issue on seizure
prediction to be published in the Journal of Clinical
Neurophysiology ( This will
include approximately three review articles, penned by the
organizers reviewing the core elements presented. All participants
are invited to contribute research articles targeted to be published
in this issue. Such contributions are submitted directly to the
journal, and are subject to the journal’s standard peer-review
process. Please plan accordingly. Contribution instructions are
posted at Note that our
plan is for this issue to appear in spring of 2014, so contributed
submissions should be targeted for early Fall 2013!
